Sunday, November 30, 2008

addison's birthday bedding....

a little *early* birthday present....addi wanted
a bigger bed and new bedding <3 her so much!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

the baucom girl's <3

paigey, brielle, and addi <3

snowy saturday

no more swimming this year :(

no playing today :(

first snow of 2008

first snow of 2008.... *it is really there....just light*

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving


YUMMY too......

Happy Thanksgiving..... <3 The Baucom's

getting ready for the "sick" baucom thanksgiving...

addi making the sweet potatoes...w/ colored
marshmellows <3

paigey and brielle...setting the table (w/our christmas
place settings) LOL

daddy and girls putting the "poor
little turkey" in the oven

Happy Thanksgiving from the girls

Paigey <3 Addi <3 Brielle

My new haircut.....yikes!!

Nala and her new DO..... <3

Happy Thanksgiving....oops its suppose to be a turkey....

Nala <3>
had to stay home and enjoy a pre-made dinner
from Hyvee...*thanks hyvee*

Lil' B on the run.... 3v3

Brielle...3v3 @ Sports Lodge

Duke...glad to have us home....

The Duke <3

Sunday, November 16, 2008

girls dowtown....Waikiki

Girls downtown Waikiki.....after dinner :)

Last sunset in Hawaii before dinner

Last sunset in Hawaii....on our way to dinner then
we caught the red eye flight to head back to the
cold...frigid Midwest :) We had a blast and hope to
visit again sometime :)

Aloha from Paigey :)


Last days of relaxing

Ahhhhh.....the beach is so relaxing to Addi <3

sweet smell of flowers :)

Addi loved the flowers <3

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hawaii-Waimea Bay (round 2)

Addi still prefers to climb and look for stuff on rocks.....

Paigey and Brielle on their way out....

in route to find some fish......

still hunting for them.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pearl Harbor - Submarine

The girls in sleeping quarters of the sub.....I told the girls we need beds like this @ home...think of how much room we would have :)

Pearl Harbor - Big Mo on Verterans Day

Happy Veteran's Day...Pearl Harbor The Big Mo

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

addison surfing :)

some fun surfing moves james taught me :)
i am a mermaid...our little break time....

playtime in the water......

we practiced our stunts/moves :)

and in the end our little addi did learn how to surf on her own. she was so nervous about it, but she did great!!
**a few more pictures of the girls surfing to come** they gave us a cd full of great pictures too...

brielle surfing :)

brielle heading out to the waves....
catching on pretty quick too.....

just having too much fun.....

trying some bigger waves now.....

by the end of the day....she considered herself a "surfer girl" and was ready for the surfboard and all to come home with her. she was feeling pretty brave in some of her last rides :0) (paigey on L and brielle on R)

Paigey surfing :)

paigey just being *cool*
she started a little farther back...and stayed on the whole time :)

this was her first time up and trying to surf.....and like any other sport she does....she succeeds very easy :) she is always a natural @ sports....lucky girl :)

sean teaching paigey how to go over the wave w/out swallowing the whole ocean....haha

we love surfing....

paigey and sean :)
addison and james :)

brielle and serge :)

our girls on the way to the waves....i think our girls found a sport they love better than soccer. the questions already started about when we can move closer to the ocean...addi still thinks the surfboard will work @ G&G B's @ the lake...haha and then paigey said we can bring it with us to G&G W's in Texas to go to the beaches there. they are really working us on making this a second sport.....and john and i think this sport is much more expensive than having 3 in competitive soccer....thank goodness we live in the midwest :)
if you ever go to waikiki and want to surf....try these guys!! they are great :)

Hawaii - North Shore....Waimea Bay

Our girls always find the rocks....
they love rocks.......

even way up high too.......

the little pretty trek down to the bay......